Moms Who Lift - No Filter Fitness

Running vs. Walking what is BEST for Weight Loss?

Episode Summary

One of the “easiest “exercises to set up is jogging /running .  It also seem to have a reputation of being one of the most effective for weight loss. However research has shown that power walking could be more effective for weight loss then running .  But it is not as easy as it sounds. Running is an endurance sport.  It takes time to learn how to “run” safely. Concurrently it will be a progressive endurance as to how long we can sustain the running duration.

Episode Notes

Episode -Running for weight loss?

One of the “easiest “exercises to set up is jogging /running .  It also seem to have a reputation of being one of the most effective for weight loss. However research has shown that power walking could be more effective for weight loss then running .   


In order to loose weight we need to dip into glycogen storage which happens after prolonged duration of a sustainable aerobic exercise. Running is harder to sustain for longer duration and requires a build up of endurance, in which majority of new trainees do not have.    Without ability to sustain longer durations of endurance this will affect the time a person is able to run and ultimately sabotage the result they are looking for .


Certainly if you re training for an eventsuch as a 5k, 10k, or a marathon than you can introduce running as a form of exercise in conjunction with weight training and nutrition to complement an overall fitness routine which would ultimately lead to weight loss.


Cuircut style training that combines different exercises to keep your heart rate elevated for an ample amount of time will produce the euphoria of running effect as well and build your endurance level.


Weight training will ultimately increase your muscle mass, while increasing your metabolic rate and aid in weight loss more effectively then running .


Benefits of running is the easy access to do it :) you need yourself AND That is all :)))


But it is not as easy as it sounds. Running is an endurance sport.  It takes time to learn how to “run” safely.   Concurrently it ll be be a progressive endurance as to how long we can sustain the running duration, certainly weight loss comes with consistency of effort and the most important is deficit of calories.


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